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Team results

Penn Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Penn

Viewing results from 2012-2013. Change season:

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Final results
J. T. Schwartz and Victor Lu1Penn Debate TournamentVarsity
Corwin Brown and Ibrahim Haque2Penn Debate TournamentNovice
Allison Patrick and Julianna Smith3Northrop Debate MeetNovice
Allison Patrick and Julianna Smith3Penn Debate TournamentNovice
Jacob Noeldner and Kyle Turner3Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentNovice
Amanda Perugini and Mitchell Popovic4Northrop Debate MeetVarsity
George Hamilton and Leslie Bennett4La Porte Winter Debate TournamentJV
Drew Conrady and Kylie Bruetman4Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentNovice
Breanna Kizer and Madison Freeman4Northrop Debate MeetNovice
Amanda Perugini and Mitchell Popovic5La Porte Winter Debate TournamentVarsity
Carter Martin and Samuel Katuzienski5La Porte Winter Debate TournamentNovice
Carter Martin and Samuel Katuzienski5Northrop Debate MeetNovice
Christian Huntington and Shad Jeffrey5Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentNovice
J. T. Schwartz and Victor Lu6Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentVarsity
Jacob Noeldner and Kyle Turner6Penn Debate TournamentNovice
Carter Martin and Samuel Katuzienski6Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentNovice
Alexis Farnsworth and Samantha FluhartyFin.La Porte Winter Debate TournamentNovice
Christian Huntington and Shad JeffreyFin.Northrop Debate MeetNovice
Christian Huntington and Shad JeffreyFin.Penn Debate TournamentNovice
Allison Patrick and Julianne SmithFin.Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentNovice
Corwin Brown and Ibrahim HaqueFin.La Porte Winter Debate TournamentNovice
Corwin Brown and Ibrahim HaqueFin.Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentNovice
Christian Huntington and Shad JeffreyFin.La Porte Winter Debate TournamentNovice
Colton Fleckner and Connor McCarthyFin.Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentVarsity
Carter Martin and Samuel KatuzienskiFin.John J. Oliver HS Debate Invitational at Lincoln JHSVarsity
Breanna Kizer and Madison FreemanFin.Larry Stuber Invitational TournamentNovice
J. T. Schwartz and Victor LuFin.John J. Oliver HS Debate Invitational at Lincoln JHSVarsity
Allison Patrick and Julianna SmithFin.John J. Oliver HS Debate Invitational at Lincoln JHSVarsity
George Hamilton and Ibrahim HaqueFin.John J. Oliver HS Debate Invitational at Lincoln JHSVarsity

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