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Team results

North Central College
A College team from Illinois

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
3Dairyland Swing, Part II113
3MAFL #4 at University of Northern Iowa51
4IIFA State Tournament96
4Purr-fect Pals Fur-ensics Swing - Panther Half49.33
4Purr-fect Pals Fur-ensics Swing - Bearcat Half35
474 Swing Part One at Ilinois State14
4Dairyland Swing, Part I87.33
4Chicago Swing Day 220
4MAFL #8 at Bradley University67
4Chicago Swing Day 118
13National Speech Championship41

Competitor results

74 Swing Part One at Ilinois State - Final results
Chris Duffy3Novice Prose Interpretation (PRO)Novice
Emily Barham4Varsity Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Emily Barham and Norah Flaherty5Varsity Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
74 Swing: The 6th Dan Smith Invitational at Bradley - Final results
Emily Barham and Norah Flaherty4Varsity Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Isabel Brady4Novice Persuasive Speaking (PER)Novice
Davonte Sanders-Funches6Varsity Poetry Interpretation (POE)Varsity
AFA-NIET District V Tournament - Final results
Davonte Sanders1Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 1After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 1Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Nicole Smith1Poetry Interpretation (POE)Varsity
Davonte Sanders2Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Jessica Wycha2Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Varsity
Davonte Sanders4Persuasive Speaking (PER)Varsity
Isabel Brady4Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Norah Flaherty4Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Norah Flaherty4Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Emily Barham and Norah Flaherty5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Jessica Wycha6Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Bradley University's 70th Annual LE Norton Memorial - Final results
Jessica Wycha3Novice Communication Analysis (CA)Novice
Genco Akacik5Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Isabel Brady6Novice Communication Analysis (CA)Novice
Isabel Brady6Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Chicago Swing Day 1 - Final results
Nicole Smith2Program Oral Interp (POI)Varsity
Juan Munoz4Program Oral Interp (POI)Varsity
Nicole Smith6Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Chicago Swing Day 2 - Final results
Juan Munoz2Program Oral Interp (POI)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 3Program Oral Interp (POI)Varsity
Isabel Brady6Persuasive Speaking (PER)Varsity
Jessica Wycha6Communication Analysis (CA)Novice
Dairyland Swing, Part I - Final results
Emily Barham and Norah Flaherty1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 1Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Norah Flaherty3After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 4After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 4Program Oral Interp (POI)Varsity
Jessica Wycha4Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 5Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Norah FlahertyFin.Prose (Pro)Varsity
Dairyland Swing, Part II - Final results
Juan Munoz1After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 2Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Emily Barham and Norah Flaherty3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 3After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity
Juan Munoz3Poetry (Poet)Varsity
Emily Barham4Prose (Pro)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver 5Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Norah Flaherty5Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Jessica Wycha6Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Forensics Roots - Final results
Davonte Sanders-Funches1Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Jessica Wycha5Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Gail Shadwell Invitational - Final results
Ellie Venchus and Rachel Johnson1Debate (2 PAR)Open
Gabbi Gruver and Vikram Nagendran2Debate (2 PAR)Open
ICC Harris-Hahn-Howell College Tournament - Final results
Ellie Venchus and Josh DuBois1Parliamentary Debate (PARLI)Varsity
Gabbi Gruver and Vikram Nagendran2Parliamentary Debate (PARLI)Varsity
IIFA State Tournament - Final results
Ellie Venchus and Vikram Nagendran1Parliamentary Debate (PARLI)Open
Juan Munoz2Speech To Entertain (ADS)Open
Juan Munoz2Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open
Norah Flaherty3Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open
Davonte Sanders and Nicole Smith4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Davonte Sanders5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Nicole Smith5Speech To Entertain (ADS)Open
Davonte Sanders6Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open
IIFA State Tournament - Novice Final results
Isabel Brady1Communication Analysis (CA)Open Novice
Isabel Brady1Oratory (Ora)Open Novice
Jessica Wycha1Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open Novice
Jessica Wycha1Informative (Info)Open Novice
Genco Akacik2Informative (Info)Open Novice
Jessica Wycha2Communication Analysis (CA)Open Novice
Jessica Wycha2Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open Novice
Nikki Zimmermann2Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open Novice
MAFL #1 at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh - Final results
Emily Barham5Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open
Juan Munoz6Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open
MAFL #2 at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh - Final results
Nicole Smith4Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Gabbi Gruver 5Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Juan Munoz6Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open
Juan MunozFin.Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
MAFL #3 at University of Northern Iowa - Final results
Davonte Sanders-Funches5Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open
Norah Flaherty5Communication Analysis (CA)Open
MAFL #4 at University of Northern Iowa - Final results
Davonte Sanders-Funches and Nicole Smith1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Davonte Sanders-Funches1Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Davonte Sanders-Funches2Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open
Norah Flaherty4Communication Analysis (CA)Open
Nicole Smith6After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Open
Norah Flaherty6Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open
MAFL #5 at Northern Illinois University - Final results
Davonte Sanders-Funches4Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open
MAFL #6 at Northern Illinois University - Final results
Davonte Sanders-Funches5Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Juan Munoz6Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
MAFL #7 at Illinois State University - Final results
Norah Flaherty3Communication Analysis (CA)Open
Norah Flaherty3Persuasive Speaking (PER)Open
Jessica Wycha4Communication Analysis (CA)Open
Jessica Wycha4Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open
MAFL #8 at Bradley University - Final results
Norah Flaherty1Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open
Nicole Smith2Poetry Interpretation (POE)Open
Norah Flaherty2Communication Analysis (CA)Open
Davonte Sanders3Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Gabbi Gruver 5Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Open
Gabbi Gruver 5Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Genco Akacik5Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open
Isabel Brady6Communication Analysis (CA)Open
National Speech Championship - Final results
Davonte Sanders5Dramatic Performance (DI)Varsity
Davonte Sanders6Prose Performance (PRO)Varsity
NFA Nationals - Final results
Norah Flaherty3Persuasive Speaking (PER)Open
Purr-fect Pals Fur-ensics Swing - Bearcat Half - Final results
Norah Flaherty1After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity
Norah Flaherty2Communication Analysis (CA)Varsity
Norah Flaherty6Persuasive Speaking (PER)Varsity
Norah Flaherty6Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Norah Flaherty6Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Purr-fect Pals Fur-ensics Swing - Panther Half - Final results
Nicole Smith1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Davonte Sanders and Nicole Smith3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Nicole Smith3Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Norah Flaherty3Persuasive Speaking (PER)Varsity
Norah Flaherty4After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity

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